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Sicangu Community Development Corporation

Sicangu CDC empowers people, strengthens families, and builds community — Lakota style — to build an equitable, regenerative world where the Sicangu Lakota and all our relatives can thrive.

Our work is focused on three main pillars of community development.
Food sovereignty: creating greater access to local, healthy foods and re-opening traditional indigenous foodways;
Health: culturally-relevant, community-based programs that offer wraparound wellness and health services to Native youth and their families;
Education: indigenizing educational delivery through the operation of the reservation’s only Lakota language immersion school.

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Skanikulat, Inc.

Skanikulat, Inc. provides cultural wellness services, language immersion programming, and resource development and outreach to the Oneida community and surrounding area in Greater Green Bay, Wisconsin.

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Society of American Indian Dentists

SAID is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the unique needs of Indigenous dentists, while also increasing the number of Indigenous dentists in the United States.

Since its founding in 1990 with just a few members, SAID has promoted dental health in American Indian communities, encouraged AI/AN youth to pursue careers in the profession of dentistry, provided role-model leadership, and promoted and supported the unique concerns of AI/AN dentists. Membership has doubled over the last couple of years, and about half of those members are students pursuing a career in dentistry.

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Society of American Indian Government Employees (SAIGE)

Formed in 2002, SAIGE is the first national non-profit organization representing American Indian and Alaska Native Federal, Tribal, State, and local government employees. SAIGE hosts an outstanding Annual National Training Program, open to all, focused on professional development, leadership and topics related to the complex Federal Indian Trust Responsibility. Integral to this, SAIGE provides specialized training sessions for Veterans and Youth.

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SONS of Mvskoke

The SONS of Mvskoke was officially established on November 4, 2016 from a grassroots movement of Muscogee (Creek) men who wish to continue the practice of reinforcing personal responsibility as a value of our people. The goal of SONS of Mvskoke is to develop Native American boys into responsible men, who will facilitate the prosperity of their nation. The mission of SONS of Mvskoke is to teach young Native American men about the importance of manhood through a structure of spiritualism, physical wellness, Native American culture, and leadership, supported by positive mentoring.

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South Carolina Indian Affairs Commission

Serving the needs of South Carolina’s Native Americans since 1985

Donate by Mail: SCIAC, 2401 Atlas Rd Ste 349, Columbia, SC 29209

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South Dakota Education Equity Coalition

The South Dakota Education Equity Coalition was founded in 2019. It is led by Indigenous community members and advocates who are dedicated to amplifying the educational needs of Indigenous students. The coalition has won the unanimous support of all nine tribes in the state.

Our three-part strategy for addressing education disparities and promoting Indigenous self-determination includes: 1. Organize and educate students, parents, teachers, and community members in three distinct regions of the state, 2. Train coalition partners and advocates on core skills such as power mapping, understanding and interpreting public opinion polling, using poll-tested messaging, deploying earned media, and building relationships with elected officials, and 3. Promote ideas and practices that will give schools rooted in Indigenous culture a chance to thrive.

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