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Organizations included are Native-led, Native-serving, have U.S. charitable nonprofit status, and are eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.



Location: OK
Nonprofit Type: 501(c)3
EIN: 92-2436811
Fiscal Sponsor: N/A

Justicia Digna


Our 100% Indigenous board is Cherokee, Maya Mam, Pueblo, Cheyenne, Maya Q’iche, Yaqui, and Gabrielino. We see many of the same threats across borders including extractive industries displacing us and destroying our land & water; violence against Indigenous women, children, & LGBTQTS relatives. We seek to address our mutual struggles through unified approaches & relationships that existed before imposed colonial borders separated us.

Focus Areas

Advocacy | Law and Policy | Other

Geography & Community Served

International | Local | National | Off-Reservation (Non-Urban) | Regional | Reservation | Urban