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Natives in Tech

We work to craft free and open source technology that empowers Native peoples.

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Navajo United Way

Our mission is to empower and support human care organizations that serve to improve the lives of the Navajo Nation and neighboring communities.

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Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition, Inc.

NICWC is a Native American-led not-for-profit corporation in Nebraska. Our mission is to educate, advocate and bring people together to protect Indian children’s rights, preserve their cultural connections, and ensure the Indian Child Welfare Act is respected for Nebraska children. Our vision is that all Native American children in Nebraska are raised by loving Indian families, surrounded by the people, culture and heritage they know best.

NICWC’s objectives are to 1) bring people together to (re)connect Native children with their families, communities, culture and heritage, and to listen to Native and allies’ voices to solve issues harmfully impacting Native American families collectively; 2) educate about Native American cultures, cultural compassion in action, and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA); and, 3) advocate for the ICWA to be respected, Native children’s rights and culture to be protected, and for policies and practices that honor Native families and heritage.

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Nebraska Tribes Addressing Violence Coalition

The mission of NETAV is to support and strengthen the prevention of and response to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, elder abuse, dating violence, and human trafficking against Native Americans in the state of Nebraska through education, trainings, support, public awareness, and technical assistance in order to promote safety for both rural and urban tribal communities.
We provide training presentations to service providers assisting Native American survivors of intimate partner violence in Nebraska. We provide educational awareness presentations in tribal communities and non-tribal settings. We provide technical assistance and support to tribal programs and service providers assisting Native American survivors of violence. Our support services include resource networking and referral, case navigation assistance, etc.

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Nesika Wilamut

Nesika Wilamut is an indigenous-led network that focuses on the health of the Willamette River through a social justice lens.

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Net Zero Nation

Net Zero Nations is committed to dismantling structural poverty on the White Earth Reservation by building a sustainable community of net-zero duplex homes, a community solar garden, and a sustainable farming co-op.

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New Mexico Community Capital

New Mexico Community Capital (NMCC), a 501(c)(3) founded in 2004, serves to uplift and empower Native communities through mentorship, financial literacy, business marketing programs, and technology. In collaboration with partners, NMCC will ignite an education transformation at the intersection of science, technology and design, and weave a thriving ecosystem of support.

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New Mexico Social Justice & Equity Institute

New Mexico’s Social Justice and Equity Institute is led by a Native-led grassroots nonprofit organization, focusing on addressing critical issues such as food security, environmental justice, and Indigenous and social justice concerns. The organization’s mission is to tackle systemic problems that perpetuate environmental and health disparities stemming from institutional racism and multi-generational trauma. We acknowledge that we operate on Dine’, Zuni, and Acoma lands. The Institute’s efforts are aimed at creating positive change in these areas, promoting equity, and improving the well-being of communities in the region. Through advocacy and community-driven efforts, we strive for equity, working towards a more just and inclusive society for everyone.

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