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Choctaw Freedmen Citizenship Footprints, Inc.

We provide vital support on issues like educating our communities about the history & heritage of our mixed-native freedmen descendants, cultural preservation, legal advocacy, & environmental

PO Box 8223 Edmond, OK 73083

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Chugach Regional Resources Commission

Since 1984, the Chugach Regional Resources Commission’s mission is to promote Tribal sovereignty and the protection of our subsistence lifestyle through the development and implementation of Tribal natural resource management programs to assure the conservation, sound economic development, and stewardship of the natural resources in the traditional use areas of the Chugach region of Alaska.

We are the leading inter-Tribal fish and wildlife commission. The CRRC is founded as a community-based, Alaska Native, natural resource management organization. Community resiliency and self-determination are central threads interwoven throughout all our activities.

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College Horizons, Inc.

College Horizons prepares, celebrates, and empowers Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian youth to pursue higher education by providing culturally sustaining college advising programs that contributes to community Nation Building. CH addresses the college attainment gap of Native students and position our work through an asset based approach. We want students to attend college as their full selves – bringing their culture, language, ancestors and indigenous ways of knowing with them because these are gifts, blessings and educational assets. As a college access organization our student impact includes: 99% graduate from high school, 95% matriculate to a 4-year degree college with 5% to community college or Tribal College, and 85% graduate from college between 4-6years!

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College of Menominee Nation

As a Land Grant Institution of higher education chartered by the Menominee people, the College of Menominee Nation infuses learning with American Indian culture and prepares students for leadership, careers, and advanced studies in a multicultural world. The College commits to research and promotion, perpetuation and nurturance of American Indian language and scholarship.

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College of the Muscogee Nation

The College of the Muscogee Nation is the institution of higher education for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation emphasizing Native culture, values, language, and self-determination. CMN offers accredited degrees to meet the growing needs of students and community stakeholders. The Tribal College is focused on supporting tribal sovereignty by developing the next generation of leaders.

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Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) coordinates management policy and provides fisheries technical services for the Yakama, Warm Springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce tribes. CRITFC’s mission is “to ensure a unified voice in the overall management of the fishery resources, and as managers, to protect reserved treaty rights through the exercise of the inherent sovereign powers of the tribes.” This mission is accomplished with four primary goals: 1) Put Fish Back in the Rivers and Protect Watersheds Where Fish Live, 2) Protect Tribal Treaty Fishing Rights, 3) Share Salmon Culture, and 4) Provide Fisher Services. CRITFC employs lawyers, policy analysts, fisheries enforcement officers, and other experts to support these goals, working closely with member tribes and state/federal agencies.

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite. 1200 Portland, Oregon 97232

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Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee

Our purpose is to change the direction of the Comanche language. That change is to restore the NɄMɄ TEKWAPɄ as a living language once more and to take our language of heritage into the future. To that end, we host zoom langage classes, in-person classes, and create resources for our community to learn about both language and culture.

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Cook Native American Ministries Foundation

Through our granting program, CNAMF activates partnerships with grassroots Native community organizations and churches to work toward youth empowerment, building healthy communities, and maintaining spiritual foundations.

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